Sweating is a natural occurrence controlled by the sympathetic nervous system to regulate our body temperature. In approximately 1% of the population, the system works too well resulting in excessive sweating which can make normal daily activities difficult to carry out, often causing anxiety and embarrassment. Hyperhidrosis is the medical term for excessive sweating.
The Harbourside Aesthetic Clinic offers two treatments which can significantly improve the quality of life for those affected by excessive sweating. Hyperhidrosis can be treated effectively by a series of tiny injections of Botulinum Toxin commonly known as Botox ®. Alternatively this condition can be treated with a course of two treatments of Radio-frequency micro-needling. Both these treatments halt the activity of the sweat gland and stops excessive perspiration.
Factors that may stimulate excessive sweating:
- Exercise
- Heat or Cold
- Alcohol, coffee or tea
- Smoking
- Hot or Spicy food
- Stress, Anxiety or strong emotions
- Certain times of the day

What happens during the treatment
Is it painful?
A local anaesthetic cream is applied to the area 30 minutes before treatment to aid your comfort.
How long do the effects last?
Is Botulinum Toxin safe?